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Termly Overview


Term 1

This term, the K1 children learnt about the different kinds of sea animals. The children also learnt more in depth about how the sea animals survive in the sea. For example: how they move, hunt for food or sleep. They visited the Sea Aquarium at the end of this term to observe the sea animals with their very own eyes!

Term 2

During this term, children will learn about the different types air transportation. They will also be making their favorite air transportation with a variety of open-ended materials provided. This term, the children will be doing show-and-tell often to showcase their masterpieces, while honing their communication skills and build their confidence.

Term 3

Children will learning and discussing about the cause and consequences behind food wastage. Teachers will use meal times to emphasize this topic. The teacher will often start a discussion with the children about food wastage. Children will be able to come up with ways on how they can reduce food wastage by the end of this term. 

Air Transportation with Dice!

Orange and Yellow Hot Air Balloon Compan

The children of K1 Cloudy were given the opportunity to create and design their favorite air transportation using ice cream sticks and glue. While learning about the different kinds of exciting air transportation, the children have to roll the the dice to obtain more materials to make their air transportation.

Rationale for Lesson:

During outdoors, one of the K1 children saw a plane and sparked an interest among the other children about planes. Out of curiosity, the children questioned the teachers if there are other kinds of transportation in the air.


In order to make use of their interests to expand their learning, the children will be finding out more about air transportation this term. The dice were included to introduce the children the concept of subitization. To make learning about subitization engaging, it was combined with making air transportation. 

Green and Brown Table Dices Casino Invit

K1's Termly Overview

Copy of Counting Puzzles Fun

Term 1

This term, the K1 children will learn about the different kinds of sea animals. The children also will learn more in depth about how the sea animals survive in the sea. For example: how they move, hunt for food or sleep. They will visit the Sea Aquarium at the end of this term to observe the sea animals with their very own eyes!

Copy of Counting Puzzles Fun Monsters (1

Term 2

During this term, children will learn about the different types air transportation. They will also be making their favourite air transportation with a variety of open-ended materials provided. This term, the children will be doing show-and-tell often to showcase their masterpieces, while honing their communication skills and build their confidence.

Copy of Counting Puzzles Fun Monsters (2

Term 3

Children will be learning and discussing about the cause and consequences behind food wastage. Teachers will use meal times to emphasize this topic. The teacher will  often start a discussion with the children about food wastage. Children will be able to come up with ways on how they can reduce food wastage by the end of this term. 

Copy of Counting Puzzles Fun Monsters (3

Term 4

During this term, the K1 children will be learning about the different parts of a flower. The teacher will bring the children to the nearby garden for the children to observe the flowers carefully. The children will also learn about the flowers' parts names, and functions. At the end of the term, they will draw a flower with the parts they learnt.

Learning Objectives

Children will be able to:

  • Name at least one air transportation. (Such as airplane, rocket, hot air balloon)

  • Use ice cream sticks to create an air transportation.

  • Recognise the number of dots on a surface of the dice without counting the dots individually.


Child's work (helicopter)


What is listening?

The action of paying attention to children's words to understand their thoughts and ideas. 


Why did I use listening?

To gain more knowledge about the child's thinking process and ideas. It will also let the child know that they are in a secure environment where their opinions matter and they are free to express themselves. This will encourage children to be more confident, especially when voicing their thoughts and opinions.


How did I listen?

By responding appropriately to the children's questions and by acknowledging their correct answers, it allows the children to understand that they are being listened to intently.  


(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).


What is facilitating?

The process of making children's learning easier through verbal and non-verbal interactions, selection of materials, and organization of space.


Why did I use facilitating?

To ensure that the children's learning is age appropriate, and is catered to their interests, learning abilities, and developmental progress. 


How did I use facilitating? 

I provided a clear purpose in the beginning of the lesson. I also gave explicit and clear instructions for the activity. I asked the children questions to guide them as well. 


(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).


What is scaffolding?

The process of providing temporary verbal or non-verbal guidance and support to children.​


(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).


Why did I scaffold?

By listening and observing the child's words and actions, I could see the child's uncertainty in recognizing the number of dots on the dice without counting. Thus, I decided to scaffold so that I can increase the child’s level of competence in the areas of development and support the child's exploration of new knowledge.


(Gillespie & Greenberg, 2017)


How did I scaffold?

I asked the child guiding questions and gave explicit hints about the number of dots on the dice. This is to make sure that the child is able to achieve the learning objectives. I also used a variety of teaching techniques like praising, confirming and prompting to aid the children's learning.


What is questioning?

The action of asking children questions to recall, prompt, clarify, check for understanding and so on. 


Why did I use questioning?

To find out more about the children's knowledge and current understanding about Air Transportation.


How did I use questioning?

I asked both close-ended and open-ended questions to find out about their current knowledge in Air Transportation. I also asked questions to check whether the children understood my instructions and explanations.


(Pittsburgh Public Schools Early Childhood Coaches, 2020).




  Click play to watch the K1 lesson below!  

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Listening & Questioning

Questioning: During closure, I asked the children questions to check their understanding. Some examples are, "What did we do today? What did we use to make the air transportation? Can you name any air transportation?"


Listening: I acknowledged the children's correct answers by smiling and saying, "That's right!"





IMG_5507 (1).jpg

In the beginning of the lesson, I stated a clear purpose with the children by saying, "Today we will be learning about dice and air transportation."

00:05 - 00:10


I gave clear instructions for the children on what they should do with the ice cream sticks provided by using simple words and visual actions. Example of an action: Raising up the ice cream sticks according to the number of dots on the rolled dice. â€‹




When Sheela (child) has trouble recognising the number of dots on the dice without counting, I hinted her by asking, "Do you think this is more than 3 or less than 3?" and "Would you like to take a guess a number that is more than 3?"


When she got the answer wrong, I told her, "Shall we count together to find out?" 


This promotes child-directed learning as the child will discover why her answer was incorrect with my guidance.



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