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Learning Objectives

Children will be able to:

  • Create their own 2-dimensional artwork of a bus using the art technique, stamping

  • Talk about their own artworks to the class


N2's Termly Overview


Term 1

This term, the N2 children learnt about the different kinds of birds in the theme of Animals. They learnt about the life cycle of birds, types of birds (e.g. flying vs flightless birds) and the food that birds eat. They will take a trip to Jurong Bird Park at the end of the term to look at the different types of birds.

Public Bus

Term 2

During this term, children will learn about the different types public transportation. They will be creating a 2-dimensional art work of a public bus using the art technique, stamping. They will make use of recycled materials of different shapes to create their bus through stamping.

Healthy Salad

Term 3

Children will be learning about the importance of eating healthy food and to not be picky especially during meal times. The teacher will make use of the 'My Healthy Plate' to teach the N2s the correct portions of each kind of food. The children will also get a chance to create a fruit salad as a class.

Potatoes and Roots

Term 4

During this term, the N2 children will be learning more about vegetables that grow underground. The children will be tasked to bring their favourite root vegetable from home and talk about why it is their favourite in front of the class. They can share with the class how they usually eat this vegetable during meal times. 


Let's Create Our Own Bus!

The children of N2 Windy were given the chance to create their own public bus using various materials of different shapes and paint, using the art technique, Stamping.

Rationale for Lesson:

After a week of learning about Public Transportation, the N2s displayed a strong interest in public buses, with the children sharing their own experiences seeing public buses on the road as well as taking these buses from place to place. Tapping on the children's interests and experiences, a lesson integrating Numeracy and Aesthetics and Creative Expression is formed for the class to recap on the different shapes and colours they have learnt so far.


What is Listening?

Listening to understand what the child is saying, understand the child’s thinking and being receptive to their ideas

(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Why did I use Listening?

By listening to the child, it helps them to understand that their ideas are heard and valued. As the N2 children are still young, they may not be able to find the right words to express their thoughts, hence through listening, I can help them explain their ideas to others. This also helps to model proper English structure for the children to learn and imitate from as well, hence improving their Language skills.


How did I listen?

By rephrasing the children’s words to form proper, full sentences, to make sure that the class understands what the child is saying. I listened attentively to what they say when they are creating their artwork, to know the children’s likes and dislikes and to give them a choice for them to express their creativity whenever there is a chance to.


What is Facilitating?

The act of making learning easier for children. Facilitating is also a matter of careful observation and deliberate timing to ensure that learning is suitable for the needs and desires of children.

(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Why did I use Facilitating?

Facilitation makes it more likely that the learning objectives will be fulfilled and that children will be self-motivated learners. By facilitating the learning of the children, it helps to provide the children with the first step to becoming independent learners.


How did I facilitate?

By providing the materials needed and setting up the environment for it to be conducive for the children to learn in. Breaking down the lesson into different parts and demonstrating the process of the lesson also makes it easier for children to digest the knowledge being taught.

(Ministry of Education, 2013)


What is Scaffolding?

Scaffolding is how adults promote the growth and learning of children by providing just the right encouragement in just the right way at the right time.

(Gillespie & Greenberg, 2017)


Why did I use Scaffolding?

To ensure that children understand the lesson being taught and for them to be able to problem-solve with explicit hints given by the teacher. This helps to increase children’s level of competence in all areas of growth.

(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009)


How did I scaffold?

By using a variety of verbal and non-verbal teaching techniques like questioning, prompting, praising, and giving explicit hints for children to be able to achieve the learning objectives of the lesson. I try to provide children with a wide variety of abilities with the ideal amount of support

(Pentimonti, 2011)


What is Questioning?

The act of asking questions to help children recall or prompt them to think more in-depth.


Why did I use Questioning?

Teachers can use Questioning to help children recall what was taught in previous lessons and reinforce them to extend the children’s learning in future lessons. Questioning is also useful to check the understanding of children, especially during the closure of the lesson.

(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009)


How did I use Questioning?

By using a variety of close-ended and open-ended questions, I help to check if the children have met the learning objectives of the lesson and also to “support their language development and critical thinking”.

(Strasser, 2019)

Click play to watch the N2 lesson below!



During the tuning-in of the lesson, a child mentions, “I take bus go grandma house”. I help the child to rephrase her words into a proper sentence and asked her, “Oh you take the bus to go to your grandmother’s house?” to make sure that I understood her correctly.

Time stamp: 00:51 - 1:05


When the children are painting the materials to stamp on their paper, I listen to which colour they want to paint their bus with, and provide them with the correct paintbrush of their chosen colour. This shows the children that their choices are being valued.


Time stamp: 05:34 - 05:39



To make the main activity simpler for the children, I break down the lesson by getting the children to observe the 3-dimensional bus model first and then I discussed with the class on which shapes we should use to make our artwork.


Time stamp: 01:23 - 01:40


Before getting the children to make their own buses, I demonstrate how to use the paint and materials to print the shapes onto the paper. I use talk-aloud modelling by demonstrating and verbalising my actions when showing the children what to do for the craft (Lombardi, 2019).


Time stamp: 02:44 - 04:37




When discussing with the class on which shapes to use for our artwork, I asked the class, “What shape can we use to make the wheels?” to which a child responded with “Round!” In order to scaffold her learning, I used an explicit hint like “What shape is round?” for the child to figure out the right answer on her own. Ultimately, she understands that a round shape is called a circle.


Time stamp: 01:30 - 01:37


During the mini ‘Show-and-Tell’ session in the closure, I prompted the children with questions like “What do you like about your bus?” and “What colours did you use for your bus?” to get the children to use words to share about their artwork with their peers.


Time stamp: 10:24 - 11:05



During the tuning-in of the lesson, I used the question “What are some of the public transport that you see on the roads?” in order to find out the children’s prior knowledge of the topic, Public Transportation. This helps me to better carry out the lesson at the right pace.

Time stamp: 00:28 - 00:32


During the main activity, a child asked me if she could use the bottle cap first instead of the rectangular cardboard box. Using questioning, I asked her, “What are you making first?”, in order to check her understanding of the activity. She replied, “I’m going to use the cap first to make wheels” which shows me that she is on the right track and knows what is going on.


Time stamp: 05:28 - 05:33

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